Sparks Night 2

Last night was the second Sparks night at Brighton's 3 and 10. Brighton has a good range of literary nights, and both Sparks and Short Fuse feel like short anthologies.  Last night's stories were an interesting range.  They started with my story about a ventriloquist's funeral, 'A Bad Place to Stick Your Hand', and ended with Vanessa Gebbie's polemic about World War 1; in between were stories about gym trial memberships, ice-cubes of rainwater, school reunions and gold-fish.  It was a fascinating mix.

What makes Sparks unique is that each story is illustrated by a specially-commissioned photograph.  The image below is the one provided by John Biggs to illustrate my story – thanks, John.


After the stories everyone milled around in the bar – it was one of the
friendliest night's I've been to.  Thanks to Jo for organising
everything.  I'm looking forward to the next one.

PS – Sparks now has a new blog.

2 thoughts on “Sparks Night 2”

  1. I was sorry to not be there last night. I agree with you that it’s a lovely, friendly event.
    By the by, was it you in Waterstones a week or so ago asking me how much Tania Hershman’s book was? I thought I recognised you, but then I wasn’t sure (having only seen you briefly once before at the first Sparks.)

  2. Yes, Sara, it was me asking about the Tania Hershman book. I thought I recognised you too, but was having a shy day!
    Sadly I couldn’t justify the price/page ratio for the White Road that day. You’ve reminded me: I think I’ll head to their site and see if I can order the books in time for my Christmas break. There are some exciting books from Salt right now – I also want to read the Luke Kennard and the Scent of Cinnamon.

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