New story at Are You Sitting Comfortably in Brighton, June 19th

A new short story of mine, The First Time is being read at Are You Sitting Comfortably, a Brighton short fiction night where the stories are read by actors. It sounds like an interesting event:

White Rabbit presents: Are You Sitting Comfortably?- Pyjama Party!
Saturday 19th June 2010, from 9pm, The Basement, Kensington Street,

Slip on your slippers, bring blankets and bed rolls ready to camp out
at the White Rabbit’s storytelling sleepover inspired by the summer
solstice. Midnight feast available from our kitchen, and fairytale films
to send you off to sleep… you‘re welcome to toddle off home, or stay
the night and have breakfast with us…
Dress code: glamorous PJs /nightwear
Bring: something to snuggle down with: sleeping bags etc
Extras: pass the parcel, musical chairs, prizes for best dressed…
Follow the bunny….down…down…down

Doors open 9pm, stories start at 10pm, followed by midnight feast,
films, more stories, then lights out! breakfast available for those who
. £4/£6

Full details here. Also reading is Louise Halvardsson, who has been writing some fantastic stories lately. 

"When I was fourteen, a
girl on the estate disappeared and I was the last person to see her.
I was asked a lot of questions afterwards. Some of them were
friendly, others were impatient, and there were some implying that
I’d done something wrong. I never told the full story, not to any
adult, but I did tell the other kids on the estate. They were the
only ones who would have believed me."

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