White Night: How to escape from a WW2 POW camp

The coming weekend is going to be one of the largest in Brighton's year. Saturday afternoon sees Beach of the Dead IV, Brighton's zombie parade, which starts 3pm at the station. Then, that evening, from 6pm to 7am the next day is White Night.

I will be appearing at The Marwood Cafe at 9pm, giving an extended version of my talk, How to Escape from a WW2 POW Camp. This is as part of the 13 Steps event, curated by David Bramwell. More details here. I'm currently working on my talk and adding various anecdotes that had to be cut from the version of the talk I gave at the Catalyst Club in January.

White Night will also feature a workshop from Ellen de Vries as part of the What is Enlightenment event at the Brighton Bhuddist Center from 10pm-Midnight, with a workshop on making 'little books of enlightenment'. 

A likely highlight of the night will be Jake Spicer and the Brighton Life Drawing Sessions with their Enlightenment Project. Three carts will travel around the town carrying life models and drawing materials. The dry-run for the project, at London's Big Draw, appears to have gone superbly, and there are photos on Kate Kamikaze's blog.

Saturday is going to be a long, exciting day. I will be spending Sunday, Halloween, slumbering and watching horror movies.


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