Coronation Park, Delhi

One of my favorite places in Delhi was Coronation Park. It's to the North of the city and a nightmare to get to (few autorickshaw drivers know where it is). The park is a fantastic monument to British hubris.

Coronation Park is where Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India. Later it was the site of a Durbar held to commemorate the coronation of George Vth. There is a large obelisk in park which has the following inscription:
"Here on the 12th Day of December 1911, His Imperial Majesty King George V, Emperor of India accompanied by the Queen Empress in solemn Durbar announced in person to the Governors, Princes and Peoples of India his Coronation celebrated in England on the 22nd day of June 1911 and received from them their dutiful homage and allegiance."

When I first visited the park it was Republic Day. Dozens of cricket games were played in the space around the obelisk. I couldn't work out where one game ended and another began, but the players all knew where the boundaries were. I returned on my last day in India to take some photographs and found the area deserted. I saw only one other person, a man snoozing below a tree.

Near the obelisk is an overgrown garden containing nineteen plinths. This was intended as a place to place the statues of British royalty and officials left over from the British Raj. Most striking is a 15m tall statue of George V (shown in the photograph directly below). This statue used to stand at India Gate.

The empty plinths are particularly striking, begging the question of what happened to the missing statues. Apparently some were stolen or vandalised, and others were never moved.





The eroded statue below is Lord Handinge, Viceroy of India between 1910 and 1916.


Camel trekking in Jaisalmer

I spent most of my holiday in India touring Rajasthan. Each of the desert towns has its own individual atmosphere. I loved the empty landscapes, the architecture and sitting on rooftop restaurants while dusk fell. Jaisal Italy, an Italian restaurant in Jaisalmer, was one of my favourite places, because it had an amazing view of the fort.

Jaisalmer has a busy tourist industry. Everyone wants to sell visitors camel safaris, and the first few people I spoke to pressured me and made me feel like an idiot. I was going off the idea of camel trekking until I visited Trotter's. Or, to give the company its full name, Trotters Independent Travels. The company is run by a local man called Del-boy. I figured I can't go wrong with a company themed around Only Fools and Horses – and, if I did, it would be a good story.

We set off into the Thar Desert by jeep just before dawn. We stopped at a small camp where a goatherd made tea while we waited for the camels. After a brief breakfast we mounted the camels and set off into the desert. The second photo below shows the camel I was riding, which was called Johnnie Walker.


Riding a camel seems easy, if a little painful on the behind. You also get a good view of the landscape. We trekked to Khaba fort, which stands above a deserted town. Travelling by camel is slow and relaxing. The landscape unfolds gradually as you pass through it. There's little to think about so you can unwind and let the day happen.



After visiting Khaba, we found a shady tree to stop for lunch, which was cooked over a fire. We lounged around under the tree for the hottest part of the day, reading and relaxing while fending off the black goats that wanted to eat our food. The meals we ate on the tour were excellent. Afterwards the plates were cleaned by scouring with sand. The camels were hobbled and allowed to go foraging.



The desert was beautiful. We saw very few people, but there were little signs of civilisation, such as flocks of sheep or wells. The paths took us over what looked like ploughed fields. During the rainy season people from the nearby villages would do their best to grow crops while they could. Later on we passed a blocky stone building that we learned was a dormitory used when people were farming.


In the later afternoon we came to a series of sand-dunes where we would make our camp for the night. We watched the sun-set over the dunes, where we were found by a beer-seller. The boy travelled between the tourist camps in the evening, selling bottles of Kingfisher. Best of all, they were cold! 



As it grew darker, there was little light nearby. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, the guides' mobile phones seemed to work perfectly. It's amazing: you can't get on signal with Orange on Brighton's Upper Western Road, but there's perfect signal in the depths of the desert. 

Since there was so little light pollution the stars were easy to see. I couldn't believe how many there were and spent some time lying on the dune looking at the sky. While it was beautiful being in the desert, it wasn't easy to get to sleep. Every so often I would be woken up by a wild dog curling up next to me, and I would have to persuade it to move on. The sand wasn't the most comfortable bed I've ever
had, but the scenery made up for that. I woke up around dawn, my bedding surrounded by beetle tracks.



After two days of camel trekking I felt quite sore, but it was well worth the discomfort. After a week back in England, I miss the desert.



Holi Day Photo

Holi is the Indian festival of colour. This spring festival is celebrated by people flinging coloured dyes and water at one another. This year Holi fell on March 1st, while I was staying at the Durag Niwas guesthouse in Jodhpur.

I'd been forewarned about Holi and bought some new clothes. I joined in the celebrations at the hotel after they'd been underway for a while. Everyone was delighted by the appearance of a new victim. I'd spent weeks avoiding Indian tap water but I was led to a large barrel of water, where I was invited to dunk myself. Then my wet face and arms were smeared with coloured dyes. The guests danced with the folk from the Durag Niwas, while being sprayed with hoses and dyes. There was even a photographer from a local paper who turned up, but I've no idea if the pictures ever appeared anywhere. Another part of Holi appears to be ripping people's clothes, which is why the image below shows me with a torn T-shirt.


The Durag-Niwas guesthouse was one of the best places I stayed in India. It was friendly, had great food, and a courtyard that was perfect for lazing around and reading. It was a much-needed sanctuary after a run of dodgy hotels and I was quite sorry to leave.

Back home

I'm currently in Derbyshire after my two month holiday in India. I had an amazing time, visiting Delhi, Kahjuraho, Varanasi, Chandigarh and Darjeeling, as well as touring Rajasthan. It's going to take me a while to sort through the photos but in the meantime here's me in the Thar desert near Jaisalmer:


Letter One: From Delhi

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Transcript follows:



24th January 2010

I’m settling down now for my 4th night in Dehli & thought I should make a start on a letter home.  Hopefully my handwriting will be legible enough.  I will try to be neat.

I left England on the 20th, and should have landed the same day, but I arrived in Amsterdam to learn my connection was delayed by 11 hours.  At first I was alarmed, but then I realised it gave me an afternoon in Amsterdam, which was unexpected but fun.

I finally landed in Delhi midmorning.  I reached the hotel without problem & then tried to find water and money.  That was a little stressful, as I kept being followed by touts, suggesting I visit the “official” tourist office.  I ignored one, who finally told me I was rude & should go back to my own country.  Once I’d found water and rupees, I felt a lot happier.  I visited a bookshop in Connaught Place, where I had a calming browse.  I also picked up some books to replace those I’d read on the flight.  One of the things I’ve been enjoying is having time to read.

Once money & water were sorted out, everything seemed less daunting.  I found a cafe that did coffee & cake near the Metro, which is great to visit on the way back from an outing.  I’m feeling a little settled now – I’m so glad that I finally got myself organised & booked this trip.

One of the most remarkable things about Delhi is the traffic.  It sounds cacophonous, but it’s actually quite well organised.  The roads don’t seem to have lanes, so drivers use their horns to announce their presence to other road users.  People don’t try predicting other driver’s actions, like at home, but keep a careful watch on what is happening.  For the first few minutes I was alarmed at driving in Delhi, but realised there were very few dented cars – so I just relax and trust the driver.  The narrow streets are busy, with cars, auto-rickshaws, motorbikes, and even elephants, but the drivers are less aggressive than many of the cyclists on Brighton seafront.

I’ve spent the first four days walking around the city.  I’ve walked through many different areas, enjoying the contrast between different districts.  Walking around New Delhi is fairly peaceful compared to the markets & tourist attractions.  I have been taking auto-rickshaws, although I’m usually ripped off – it’s quite a strange imitation, when someone cheats you for 10p on a 60p journey.  You know you’ve been overcharged, and it’s easy to forget how small the sums involved are.  My favourite transport method is the Metro – it’s cheap and mostly peaceful.  At rush-hour it is properly packed though – I missed a stop once because I couldn’t move from where I was stood.

I’ve not done many tourist sites yet – I’ll be back in Delhi later in the trip.  My favourite site so far was the Jantar-Muntar, a series of astronomical instruments the size of buildings.  They’re well worth googling.  It was amazing to wander through these monuments, figuring out how they worked.  There are five such sites in India, & I’ll be near two of the others later in my trip.

I’ve also been running a few times, but the pollution is bard on my tender lungs.  My target time in the marathon is going to be upped, I fear, as I’ve not been able to manage any significant distance.

The runs themselves have been magical though.  The last two days I’ve taken auto-rickshaws to Lodi Gardens before dawn.  The city looks different again in the early hours.  Then 4 miles or so around the park, whose tombs look stunning as they emerge from the mist.

I’m staying in Delhi a few more days before an overnight train ride to Udaipur.  So far I’m loving the trip.  Delhi may be frantic, but I’ve not spoken to anyone British for days, which is quite relaxing.  Being without a mobile is good, although I sometimes think it’s vibrating in my pocket – a technological phantom limb.

I will write more after I reach Udaipur.


[I will try to scan better quality images, but for the sake of speed added these for the present. Ed.]


Off on my travels

I meant to write a couple of posts for the turn of the year but I didn't have time. It's interesting to think about 2009/10 now, almost three weeks into 2010.

2009 was a little disappointing. Programming took more of my energy than I'd have liked, meaning writing projects, including the novel, didn't get the attention they should have done. The year was pretty good – I ran 600 miles, did over a dozen readings, made great progress on my novel – but I would like to have done more.

So far 2010 has been a blast. Despite the snow, I've managed to do some running and am, just about, on track for the Brighton Marathon in April. My talk at the Catalyst Club, on How to Escape on a WW2 POW Camp, seemed to be very well received.

The most exciting news is that I've become a freelancer. I'm planning to do both writing and programming work in 2010, but so far I've been exclusively working on some writing projects. One of these was an essay which included some fictional sections – I'll announce that when it comes out.

Even more exciting, I'm off to India tomorrow. It's amazing to think that in about 30 hours I'll be landing in Delhi. I'm going to be away for a couple of months and will be taking the opportunity to get away from my computer as much as possible. I will be contactable by email, but I'll only be checking every few days. There will also be some blog posts, as a friend has agreed to scan in some letters.

2010 has been pretty good so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what more it brings.

Things to do before I leave town

My library is now in storage, which means I’m one step closer to my holiday. Storage centers are weird, pushing the trolley past dozens of identical doors, knowing there are hundreds of rooms in the warehouse and wondering: what is in all these rooms?


Only a few more days to go, and I still have lots left to do. A week from today, I’ll be settling down for my last sleep in this country for some time.

I love Ross Sutherland’s poem Things to do before you leave town, now more than ever:
Do not go back for your coat
Do not hard-talk the homeless.
Do not stare longingly up at the clock tower.
Stop taking yourself so seriously. .

My favourite films of 2009

I'm running a little late with this so I'll post it briefly now before it's too out of date. My favourite films of 2009 were:

  1. Synecdoche, New York – currently my favourite film ever.
  2. Antichrist – although I had my eyes closed for a couple of bits
  3. Morris: A Life with Bells On – I had a great time seeing this at the Duke of York's, surrounded by real-life morris dancers
  4. Up – although mostly for the first five minutes.
  5. The Wrestler
    – I was underwhelmed when I watched this, because the ending seemed a
    disappointment, but I found myself thinking about it a lot afterwards.

I didn't see as many movies last year as in 2008, and I missed a few
that looked amazing. I was underwhelmed by both Moon and
District 9, which seemed illogical and obvious. I'm not sure why they
received the acclaim they did.

I’m speaking at the Catalyst Club on Thursday 14th January

I am speaking at the Catalyst Club this Thursday, on 'How to escape from a WW2 POW Camp'. The Catalyst Club takes place at the Latest Music Bar on Manchester Street (BN2 1TF) and costs £5.  Doors open at 8 with the first speaker on at 8:30pm.

This is my first post of 2010 – the start of the year has been great fun, but hasn't allowed as much time for blogging as I would have liked. I will catch up with things before I go away.

My last day

Today has an end-of-term feel as it's my last day at my current job. It's been a fun role, maintaining and developing a mature product. I've learned a lot (maintenance coding is a challenging and often neglected skill) and done some fascinating optimisation work, but it's time to move on.

I'm taking some time out at the start of 2010, after which I will be working as a freelancer, providing database and java consultancy – but I'll talk about that next year. At the moment I'm winding down, looking forward to Christmas and some time relaxing in the Midlands.

The snow, and lunch with a couple of old friends have provided a magical feeling to the day. I've also received some good news about some writing work for January, which I'll take as an auspcious sign for the coming year.

My inbox is empty, my last commits are in subversion, which means I have one task left in the new job: tonight's office party!