New story in Penumbra #3

I had some post dropped off this afternoon, including the new issue of Penumbra Magazine which contains a new story of mine, riddled.


I’ve just finished reading the issue, which includes poetry and prose from the UK and several other countries.  I particularly liked the poems by Ed Harris (‘Chasing Hurricanes in Derbyshire’ and ‘Pterodactyls in Devon’) and the stories by David Yost (‘And every man a king’, about micronations) and Joel Willans (‘Rumble Tumble’).  Joel William’s story starts with the line “When I got the Oakland greyhound to San Fran, the bus was full of dwarfs” and then gets even better. 

The magazine is available by mail order for £3.95 +£1 P&P.

riddled: “Recruitment consultants sometimes call about incredible jobs. They
can’t give details because of the NDAs, but sometimes, if you’re
bored, you let the seduction play out to see what they offer you. It
was one of those calls that led to my break-up with Helen …

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