Mycelium Parish News 2024 – submissions needed

Dan Sumption and I have started work on the 3rd issue of the Mycelium Parish News. This will cover weird, strange and wonderful events and creative projects from 2024. We mostly focus on people we know through our networks, but we’re interested in anything counter-cultural from the past year.

The cut-off for your submissions is November 16th – but the sooner you can send things the better.

We’re want to hear about: counter-culture, Discordianism, mushrooms, folk horror, magick, ritual, zines, high strangeness and the like. We want to include books, events, podcasts, celebrations, records and gatherings. Our typical listing is 50-100 words, but we can go longer if needs be. If you’re able to type your entry up for us, great, otherwise send us a link and we’ll sort something out. We can’t guarantee to list everything, but we will do our best.

If you’d like a look at last year’s edition to see what it looks like, you can download the previous year’s edition.

As with last year, we’re going to produce a lo-fi printed edition, one that is light enough to be sent by standard post. Given the price rises in our privatised mail services, we’re unlikely to keep prices as low as last year (which was £2.30 including postage), but we won’t be far off. We’re aiming to send this out by Christmas, so you can read it over the Christmas/New Year break. A PDF copy will be released once we have distributed all the physical copies.

We’re also doing an in-person event on Saturday December 14th, and we’ll announce details of this soon. But if you’re up for coming, let me know.

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