May contain clowns: Reading at Short Fuse, 18/9

I'm going to be reading for Short Fuse this Thursday (18th September) at the Komedia, starting 8:30pm.  The theme for the night is 'Nights at the Circus' and I will be reading a clown story called The Death of a Ronald.

It's been ages since I did a reading (there aren't many spoken word nights in Coventry) so I'm really looking forwards to this.  It's going to be an interesting piece to read too – what does Mr. Giggles sound like?

Meanwhile I need to finish packing up the flat in Coventry.  It's seems almost finished but the last stage is always the most difficult.  I've reached the point of putting things into boxes randomly now.  If all goes to plan then last night was my last in Coventry.  As of Sunday I will be fully moved back to Brighton.

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