dConstruct 2008 – first thoughts

I'm back home drying out after the treacherous conditions at Audio, which hosted the after-party for dConstruct 2008.  Today's event was the first dConstruct I've attended and I had a great time.  I spent the morning helping staff the registration desk, which was a very pleasant task thanks to the team I was working in.

During the afternoon I was in the auditorium watching the talks.  I've been a little jaded about the web lately.  Sitting through the four afternoon sessions I felt an excitement I've not felt in some time.  Rather than make me feel sceptical, the ideas, particularly around the 'social internetwork', were fascinating.  I filled many notebook pages during the talks so it will probably be next week before I get around to summarising my thoughts.

dConstruct was also a very friendly conference.  I've been to some tech events that felt cliquey but everyone I encountered today was chatty.  Congratulations to Sophie for putting on a great day.

And, for the record – M. Night Shyamalan wrote Stuart Little.

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