This weekend has been a long one, mainly because it started on Thursday lunchtime. I headed straight from work to Brighton, met Sophy for dinner, then headed to The Enchantment Under the Sea dance. I had a great time, meeting up with lots of friends, some I’d not seen in months. The performances included singing from Raquel Merlot (with an accordian accompanied cover of I’m on Fire) and burlesque from Honey Moon and Baby Bones.
Kitty Peels did an act based on Back to The Future, for which I was the ‘man prop’. My job was to sit onstage and act bored as Kitty undressed. Since I was ignoring Kitty I didn’t see the act, but the audience seemed to like it. After the dance I returned to Hove, stopping off at the soon-to-be-sold market diner. Eating burgers at 3am with a friend in a Munroe-style dress seemed a fitting send-off to the place.
Next morning I was up early for my run, then spent the afternoon catching up with friends and doing a little shopping. I headed back to Coventry yesterday to meet Jo, who’d hitched up from Brighton. We went to her Aunt’s 50th birthday party, then made the long walk back to the city centre.
It’s been a good weekend. Not sure when I’ll next be in Brighton, but I hope it won’t be too long.