Some short stories from the web

I've recently found some excellent short stories on the web.  The list was somehow lost in draft status but it's all fixed now.  I've also added approximate wordcounts for each piece – none are long, and all are worth reading:

4 thoughts on “Some short stories from the web”

  1. James, thank you so much for mentioning Plaits in your list of stories, I was delighted to find this blog post! How did you come upon my story? And thank you for pointing me towards more stories, I am off to read them now.

  2. Thanks very much for the mention. ‘Ten English Trees’ was given an excellent reading by Liars’ League regular Clareine Cronin (so much more relaxing than doing the reading yourself) , but a device malfunctioned, and the recording was lost to posterity…

  3. Hello James, glad you liked The Pomegranate. Self-Googling can be rewarding as well as frightening, I now realise …

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