I will be reading at the next artistsmodelsink event on Monday October 3rd at the Marlborough Theatre. Life Cycles is a life-drawing event featuring performances between the tableaux. Doors open at 7:30pm and the audience are asked for donations to cover the costs.
The first artistsmodelsink event was a great success and I'm very excited to be a small part of this one. The team have some fantastic scenes planned. There will also be a performance from Chris Parkinson, who has blogged about the night here (there's also a post about the previous event) and Rosy Carrick will be compere.
I don't know exactly what I'll be reading. I wrote a piece last weekend called The Pornography of Tea, but I'm not sure that's going to work here. I've got a couple of other pieces in the works though, and will finish one of them over the weekend.
Dress as the sun! Gyrate your hips!