Off on my travels

I meant to write a couple of posts for the turn of the year but I didn't have time. It's interesting to think about 2009/10 now, almost three weeks into 2010.

2009 was a little disappointing. Programming took more of my energy than I'd have liked, meaning writing projects, including the novel, didn't get the attention they should have done. The year was pretty good – I ran 600 miles, did over a dozen readings, made great progress on my novel – but I would like to have done more.

So far 2010 has been a blast. Despite the snow, I've managed to do some running and am, just about, on track for the Brighton Marathon in April. My talk at the Catalyst Club, on How to Escape on a WW2 POW Camp, seemed to be very well received.

The most exciting news is that I've become a freelancer. I'm planning to do both writing and programming work in 2010, but so far I've been exclusively working on some writing projects. One of these was an essay which included some fictional sections – I'll announce that when it comes out.

Even more exciting, I'm off to India tomorrow. It's amazing to think that in about 30 hours I'll be landing in Delhi. I'm going to be away for a couple of months and will be taking the opportunity to get away from my computer as much as possible. I will be contactable by email, but I'll only be checking every few days. There will also be some blog posts, as a friend has agreed to scan in some letters.

2010 has been pretty good so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what more it brings.

3 thoughts on “Off on my travels”

  1. Hi James
    I hope your travels are full of marvels and wonders – enjoy! Sorry we didnt manage to have that lunch – the pics of penguins will have to wait! Anyway, you’ll have plenty of pics of your won to show me when you get back – so here’s to raising a glass in May/June?

  2. Sorry we didn’t get to meet before you flew. Am sure you’re having a blast, hope it’s not too much of a shock to the system, but then I guess I hope it is!?
    Just found out I’m gonna be in Mumbai from 15th Feb for 2 weeks. Any chance you’ll be in the vicinity?
    (not a great deal of tourism to be had there but still worth a go).
    Do do Varanasi (Benares) if you can. And when people ask me where on the world would I be if I could be anbywhere right now, the first p[lace that springs to mind is Hampi. Imagine it could be a great place for writing too.
    Be great if we were to meet up out there.
    Get stuck in.
    James x

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