Interesting odds and ends

  • My new Argus marathon blog post is 633 miles to go, in which I discuss being a human Jesus Lizard.
  • I like Alan Coren's advice to Caitlin Moran: "The first idea that occurs to you, will have
    occurred to everyone. The second idea that occurs to you, will have
    already also occurred to the clever people. But your third idea – only
    you will have had that one.”
  • After Swindon Orbital, Richard Willis is now working on Blake's Road, which promises "a more ambitious project, tackling a number of subjects simultaneously: Blake, England & the English, Morality, my own psychology, and a couple of other topics I’m afraid I must keep to myself for now". I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of this.
  • A interesting post from Ian Hocking about Workshops, following on from my recent one
  • My friend Bill Jones has made a book

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