Everything’s coming up Millhouse

I’ve now got the keys for my new flat, where I’ll be staying the rest of my time in Coventry.  I’m not sure how I will respond to having two bathrooms, a luxury I never thought I’d be troubled by.  Coventry has an IKEA (well, it’s more of a principality judging by its size) so I’ll be visiting next week.  I can finally buy the IKEA desk I’ve been craving for months – but that wonderful desk deserves its own post.

Coventry has a poetry night which I finally tracked down this week.  ‘Night’s Blue Fruits’ had some very good open mike poetry as well as a reading by Mario Petrucci, a poet I’d heard about on the MA.  It was an entertaining evening and I’m looking forward to the next one on May 1st.

I now have a mobile Internet gadget so, providing I can hook it up to Ubuntu, I’ll be online more often in the near future.  If all else fails, I’ll have to sully one of my other computers with Windows for a bit.   

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