Chris Morris seeks funding

It’s been a long time since I last read popbitch, so I only just found out about this, which was featured in their latest issue (via Scott Peck Pack):

“[Chris Morris] is now working on a movie about Islamic terrorists.  The BBC and Channel 4 have already turned it down, supposedly a wee bit scared about the reaction it might provoke. Good news is that Warp Films are going to support it but are looking for funding.  Anyone prepared to donate between £25 and £100 to the project can have the chance to appear in it…. Anyone interested should email for more info.

3 thoughts on “Chris Morris seeks funding”

  1. Chris Morris is a genius, I’m on it. I don’t fancy being in front of the camera, but am more than happy to contribute.
    And you should be keeping up with popbitch; it’s where all the proper important stuff happens, as I’m sure you already know.
    Pip pip!

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