Back in Brighton

I'd been planning to relax when I reached Brighton but instead the last few days have been incredibly busy.  It's all been fun though and I'm glad to be back.  I moved into my new flat last night and already feel settled (despite the fact my furniture is still in Coventry).

It looks as if the rest of the week will be busy too, as I'm now going to be helping out at dConstruct 2008.  Between now and then I have to complete my talk for Brighton Barcamp 3.  I considered a number of potential topics, such as 10 commandments for using an RDBMS, but instead decided to talk about this.  The title of my talk is, currently 'Bad XKCD: An introduction to deconstruction for programmers'.  I don't know it it will be interesting to anyone other than me but it's going to be fun to put it together.

3 thoughts on “Back in Brighton”

  1. that sounds very interesting (even though i don’t really have a clue what you mean). are you going to write some more about your topic and/or the conferences?

  2. Laura –
    I’m definitely going to post more on the conferences. As I’m volunteering at dConstruct it might be hard to see much of it, but I hope to catch the Matt Jones session. I will probably post more about Barcamp – the presentations I’ve heard about so far sound very exciting. I’ll also post my presentation, software tools permitting.

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