A Cheeky Walk: Ceci n’est pas une promenade artistique

This Sunday’s Cheeky Walk was a shorter one, two miles starting at Brighton station then winding through the North Laine and Lanes to the seafront before finishing back at the Museum. A lot of the places visited were familiar but it’s amazing what else you notice when you’re stopping to take photos:

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The morse code above the Albert’s side door, spelled out in spraycans, apparently reads ‘Wish You Were Here’


The Banksy on the building’s side is a reproduction, despite the perspex protection.


The North Laine has some amazing stencil and sticker art, as well as the Kensington Street Murals (which are currently under threat)

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On the seafront, it was a warm Spring day, despite only being February. The guidfebook pointed out the public art, as well as leading us to the JAG gallery, which I’d never been inside before.

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We finished the walk with a meal at La Choza and a tour of the museum. The shorter walk wasn’t as much fun as the longer ones, and we felt we could have managed a couple back-to-back. But it was good to get out and explore the town on what felt like the first day of Spring.

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